Cultural diversity Non-religiousness (2002–2006 cumulated) - By education and country Definitions/comments: Educational levels: low: ISCED 0–2 (compulsory schooling, pre-vocational education); intermediate: ISCED 3–4 (apprenticeship, matura); high: ISCED 5–6 (university, other tertiary). Question wording: without denomination: ‘Do you consider yourself as belonging to any particular religion or denomination?’ No participation in religious service: ‘Apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend religious services nowadays?’ Non religious: ‘Regardless of whether you belong to a particular religion, how religious would you say you are?’ Answer categories: without denomination: ‘Yes’, ‘No’. Percentages correspond to respondents not considering themselves to belong to a particular religion or denomination. No participation in religious service: ‘Every day, ‘More than once a week, ‘Once a week, ‘At least once a month’, ‘Only on special holy days’, ‘Less often, ‘Never’. Percentages correspond to respondents never attending religious services, apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals. Non religious: scale from 0 (not at all religious) to 10 (very religious). Percentages correspond to respondents with a value of 0 (not at all religious). Sample size: ESS (2002, 2004, 2006 cumulated): 5268–8705; US-CID: 1001; weighted data. Source: ESS 2002, ESS 2004, ESS 2006, US-CID 2005. Data for the indicator or in excel. Description and explanation in the corresponding chapter of the Social Report 2008.
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