Distribution of social goods Post-compulsory educational attainment of 20 year-old women and men 1990–2005 Definitions/comments: Post-compulsory education attainment: upper secondary education attainment after compulsory schooling (lower secondary level or 9th school year). Percentages correspond to the part of the 17-18 years-old who attained a vocational education (without vocational matura: apprenticeship etc.), resp. to the part of the 21 years-old who attained a vocational matura / 18 years-old who attained a general education (without matura) / 19 years-old who attained a matura. The values 17-18/21/18/19 correspond to the average age on attainment of the qualification concerned. Source: SFSO, indicators of education. Data for the indicator or in excel. Description and explanation in the corresponding chapter of the Social Report 2008.
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