Distribution of Social Goods
Cultural Diversity
Social Integration
Political Shaping
Environment and Society
List of Indicators
Distribution of social goods
Post-obligatory education
Educational attainment of the population
Educational inheritance and homogamy
Further education
Change of sectors and industries
Full-time and part-time employment
Entry into working life
Working conditions
Socio-demographic profile of unemployment
Long-term unemployment
Occupational earnings
Wage levels and wage differences
Household income
Cultural diversity
Profile of nationalities
Duration of stay and naturalisations
Opinions on foreigners
Subjective criteria of national affiliation
Pupils' languages
Competence in foreign languages
Use of foreign languages
English at work
Denominations and non-religiousness
Religious beliefs
Use of the media
Interest in political news
Leisure activities
Style preferences in the home
Social integration
Role distribution in couples
Age structure
Transition into adulthood
Living alone
Retirement and invalidity pensions
Organised voluntary work
Informal voluntary work
Motivations for voluntary work
Crime suspects
Victims of crime
Feelings of insecurity
Political reshaping
Political opinions
Perception of problems
Political trust
Political activities
Political mobilisation
Labour union strength and industrial conflicts
Initiatives and referenda
Persons without party attachment
Strength of the political parties
Electorate of the parties
Women in politics
Consent/dissent of governmental parties
Voter turnout
Governmental consent and voting results
Regional voting differences
Environment and society
Passenger traffic
Transportation of goods
Final energy consumption
Transformation of the countryside
Diversity of species and protection of the countryside
Water use
Air pollution
Climate and greenhouse gases
Evaluation of threats to the environment
Ecological awareness
Opinions on environmental policies
Ecological commitment
Ecological behaviour
Waste management and recycling
Ecological footprint