Social integration ‘Over the past 12 months, have you been a victim of…?’ Question wording: ‘Over the past five years, did anyone actually get into your house or flat without permission and steal or try to steal something? I am not including here thefts from garages, sheds or lock-ups’; ‘Apart from theft involving force, there are many other types of theft of personal property, such as pickpocketing or the theft of a purse, wallet, clothing, jewellery, sports equipment at one's work, at school, in a pub, on public transport, on the beach or in the street. Over the past five years, have you personally been the victim of any of these thefts?’; ‘First, a rather personal question. People sometimes grab, touch or assault others for sexual reasons in a really offensive way. This can happen either at home or elsewhere, for instance in a pub, the street, at school, on public transport, in cinemas, on the beach or at one's workplace. Over the past five years has anyone done this to you? Please take your time to think about it’; ‘Apart from the incidents just covered, have you over the past five years been personally attacked or threatened by someone in a way that really frightened you either at home or elsewhere, such as in a pub, in the street, at school, on public transport, on the beach, or at your workplace? [if no:] Take your time to consider. An incident of this sort might also have involved your partner, family member or a close friend. So apart from incidents already covered, have you in the past five years been personally attacked or threatened by someone you know in a way that really frightened you?’ Answer categories: ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘don't know’. Sample size: ICVS/EU ICS: 1000–4234 per country and year; weighted data. Source: Van Dijk (2007), ICVS/EU ICS (International Crime and Victims Survey and European Survey of Crime and Safety). Data for the indicator or in excel. Description and explanation in the corresponding chapter of the Social Report 2008.
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