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Distribution of Social Goods

Cultural Diversity

Social Integration

Political Reshaping

Environment and Society


Glossary Abbreviations

Social integration

Working poor rate in Switzerland - Development 2000–2006

Definitions/comments: Poverty rate: percentage of people who live under the poverty line. Poverty line: amount of money which gives right to social assistance according to the directives of the SKOS (Swiss conference for social assistance) for the respective year. Working poor rate: economically active persons (min. 1h/week) who live in a poor household, whose members work at least 36 hours per week all together, as a percentage of all economically active persons. Precise definitions: cf. SFSO (BFS (2007), Armut von Personen im Erwerbsalter, Neuenburg:BFS).

Source: SFSO, SLFS.

Data for the indicator or in excel.

Description and explanation in the corresponding chapter of the Social Report 2008.

Update: FORS