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Distribution of Social Goods

Cultural Diversity

Social Integration

Political Reshaping

Environment and Society


Glossary Abbreviations

Cultural diversity
Leisure activities

Leisure activities 2004 - At least once a month to a disco

Definitions/comments: Educational levels: low: ISCED 0–2 (compulsory schooling, pre-vocational education); intermediate: ISCED 3–4 (apprenticeship, matura); high: ISCED 5–6 (university, other tertiary). Family situation: children only considered if they are living in the same household.

Question wording: ‘I am now going to list a number of leisure activities. How frequently do you practice them? Going to a disco, a dance hall or a techno party‘.

Answer categories: ‘every day’, ‘at least once a week’, ‘at least once a month’, ‘less than once a month’, ‘never’. Activities have been selected from a list of 13 activities questioned by a factorial analysis.

Sample size: SHP und Silc-Pilot (combined) 2004: 11565; weighted data.

Source: SHP und Silc-Pilot 2004.

Data for the indicator or in excel.

Description and explanation in the corresponding chapter of the Social Report 2008.

Update: FORS