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Distribution of Social Goods

Cultural Diversity

Social Integration

Political Reshaping

Environment and Society


Glossary Abbreviations

Distribution of social goods
Household income

Equivalent household income in percent of the median 1998 and 2005 - By education and family situation

Definitions/comments: Equivalent household income: disposable household income (net income minus obligatory expenses like taxes and state health insurance premiums) expressed as the equivalent of a one-person household; see Glossary. Median: 50% of the incomes are lower and 50% of the incomes are higher than the median. Educational levels: low: ISCED 0–2 (compulsory schooling, pre-vocational education); intermediate: ISCED 3–4 (apprenticeship, matura); high: ISCED 5–6 (university, other tertiary).

Sample size: EVE: 9295 (1998), 3087 (2005); weighted data.

Source: SFSO, EVE (survey on income and consumption of households).

Data for the indicator or in excel.

Description and explanation in the corresponding chapter of the Social Report 2008.

Update: FORS