°Further education

Further education 1996–2006, in %

Population aged 20–74 years Employed Unemployed Econ. inactive Total

1996 43.0 29.0 21.8 37.1

1999 44.8 38.9 19.2 38.0

2003 41.6 35.9 17.6 35.3

2006 34.7 29.8 14.2 29.3

25–64 year-olds in employment Compulsory schooling Apprenticeship "Matura", etc. Higher vocational training University/ University of applied sciences Total
1996 21.5 42.8 58.5 60.3 56.2 44.1
1999 21.3 45.6 61.1 58.4 56.7 45.8
2003 19.3 40.3 54.0 55.6 55.4 42.5
2006 17.1 32.8 41.6 45.6 46.1 35.5

Further education by purpose 2006, in %

Population aged 20–74 years Employed Unemployed Econ. inactive

Professional only 37.8 25.4 4.8

Prof. & non-prof. 5.9 3.3 0.9

Non-professional only 6.9 9.5 15.3

25–64 year-olds in employment Low education Intermediate High education

Professional only 15.2 34.9 55.9

Prof. & non-prof. 1.8 5.5 9.0

Non-professional only 5.3 8.1 5.5

Further education of 25–64 year-olds in employment by type, education and country 2003, in %

Formal Non-formal Informal

CH Low education 0.9 20.4 18.9

Intermediate 5.2 55.0 49.3

High education 12.2 80.0 75.0

DE Low education 1.4 4.5 17.6

Intermediate 2.7 12.9 38.4

High education 3.0 28.2 62.5

FR Low education 0.3 14.7 32.0

Intermediate 0.2 23.1 51.1

High education 1.1 39.0 82.7

ES Low education 1.9 5.9 8.0

Intermediate 4.7 13.0 18.8

High education 6.4 21.2 33.6

SE Low education 3.8 33.4 30.9

Intermediate 6.4 50.0 48.3

High education 16.5 69.9 75.4

UK Low education 1.8 15.4

Intermediate 7.2 37.6

High education 13.5 59.8